Friday, April 17, 2009

I don't live around here.

At work there is a woman who doesn’t speak any English. She only speaks Spanish. I have a Spanish class at school and I’ve grown to appreciate the Spanish language. Not many people at work speak Spanish so I talk to the woman a lot. Her name is Cecilia and she’s a believer. My Spanish isn’t great and she knows only a little English, but we manage to communicate. We talk about God and the Bible a lot. We tell each other our favorite books of the Bible, and things we have read; mostly we talk about spiritual things.
Tonight I was taking a break and I just turned to her and said, “Yo creo that JesuChristo muerte y es vive. Mi casa no es aqi, es con JesuChristo.” Even though my Spanish was absolutely horrible, and I used an English word, she still understood just what I was saying.One thing that's interesting about me saying that, I just said at random really. And I just suddenly remembered the word for beleive. She repeated my words, using proper Spanish, and added on that Jesus is the Son of God and named the Trinity and asked if I believed it. (She said this in Spanish of course) How great is our God? We are two totally different people. She is from Mexico, has six kids, a husband, was raised on a ranch and she’s fifty. I am from Chatsworth, am in high school, have no kids, and I’m seventeen! We speak two different languages! Yet we share a Faith in the almighty God who sent His only Son to suffer and die, just so we could live with Him in eternity. It just shows how this truth has endured endless boundaries. Two completely different people connected by one wonderful truth.

One thing I remember her saying is that we are all children of God all because of Jesus.

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