Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lately I've been talking to my aunt from my Dad's side. I'm already surprised just how little i know about that side of my family. Like, my Dad had a brother, but he died when he was only three. My aunt keeps telling me how im just like Dad, and also their uncle Flecher. I knew before that Dad and that side of the family used to get together and play bluegrass together, but i never heard anything about it, just that it used to happen. Apparently my dad and my grandpa and all the men on that side of that family are pretty talented musically. My aunt (Diana) finds it pretty interesting that im interested in the same music as all of them and i have never even been around that side of the family.

It really makes me think about God whenever i think about how im so like that side of the family.Because people have been telling me "God has somthing BIG in store for you Jordan!." Honestly, I have no idea what that could be and often i feel pretty unusable, but whatever. But through talking to Diana I kind of realised how involved God was in even bringing me to life. See, when my dad was just a kid, my grandpa was stationed in Germany. They all lived over there on an army base, in fact the main reason they left Germany and came to Chatsworth was because my young aunt died. If she had lived then my parents may have never even met! I wouldnt be here! Maybe im a little self-centered in feeling this way, but it seems to me that the only reason my aunt was born is so that she could die and that side of my family would move here, my parents meet, get married and have me. How awesome is that? That my God had such an extravagant plan leading up to my birth. Now im sure that wasnt the only purpose for my aunts life, but that seems to be one result of it.

Another amazing thing is how i am turning out to be a lot like Dad, and he has had barely any influence in my upbringing. I dont know about you guys, but it seems to me like somthing Greater is in play here.

Oh! Just so you know, i hold no bitterness or whatever gainst my Dad. but i guess thats anothr post.

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